I’m not a doctor, so I can’t tell you whether or not this is right for you, but my doctor gave me the go ahead and I can speak from experience. Colon Cleansing makes me feel so much better and helped me with my weight loss. If you have any reservations, check with a medical professional before doing one.
Colon Cleansing is a method where your colon is cleansed to remove toxins. It’s believed that disease and illness begin with a toxic bowel. Getting a regular colon cleansing can not only heal the body, it can also make you feel more active.
The first benefit of colon cleansing is the reduction of constipation. If one suffers from a poor diet or is deprived of the essential nutrients of the body then, the intestine line walls of the same person become lined with a plaque-like substance which is not at all good for health. Colon cleansing not only helps out in removing the junk out of his intestine walls but will also allow the waste to pass off more freely.
Colon Cleansing has a wealth of health benefits. Whether you are suffering from excess weight, diabetes, cholesterol, hypertension, depression, stress, anxiety, bloating, heartburn, skin irritation, headaches, migraines, sleeping problems, or struggling to rid yourself of toxic overload, colon cleansing can help. This is a method that works efficiently to flush out all the toxic waste from the bowel walls.
We pick up toxins from climatic extremes, pesticides, Wi-Fi Waves, cell phones , carbon monoxide, pesticides, genetically modified foods, caffeine, sugar, white flour, and deep fried and processed food. It’s a dangerous world we live in, huh?
Colon cleansing is one of the most effective forms of detoxifying your colon and your entire body. In time, all your major systems – gastrointestinal (colon, liver, and gallbladder), urinary (kidneys, urethra, and bladder), respiratory (lungs, throat, sinuses, bronchial tubes, and nose), skin, and lymphatic– can reap the benefits of a colon cleanse.
There are a lot of products out there, the one that I use, I pick up at Bartell Drugs for about $15. Here’s a link for my personal choice: http://www.drugstore.com/qxp216883/applied_nutrition/10_day_acai_berry_easy_cleanse.htm
Thanks for the link, Amy. I'll be sure to check that out. It makes perfect sense as far as the colon cleanse & intestines. Think of your intestines lined with all that garbage & compare it too a clogged artery. They're essentially the same. They're both "pipes" in are bodies that have basically been stopped up. Gotta clean them out once in a while:)