Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sugar-Free Blackberry Shortcake

The Shortcake:
4 eggs, separated
4 ounces of cream cheese
1/8 tsp cream of tartar
1 tsp thickenthin/not starch
1/2 packet SteviaPlus, or 1 packet Splenda

Preheat oven to 300 degrees F.

If using a pan, grease. If using non-stick, make sure pans are clean and ready to go.

In one mixing bowl, separate egg whites from yolks. Add cream of tartar to whites and whip until stiff peaks form, about 5 minutes.

In another bowl, combine yolks, cream cheese, 1/2 packet of Stevia (or 1 packet Splenda). Mix until smooth. Add thickenthin/not starch. Let rest 3-5 minutes, or until mixture thickens slightly.

Carefully add half of the yolk mixture to the whites. With a tall, slender spoon, make a lazy S through the mixture one. Turn bowl 90 degrees and repeat. Repeat with other half of the yolk batter.

With a large spoon, evenly distribute batter between 8 small cake pans* or into 8 piles on a greased cookie sheet. Bake for 30 minutes. Remove from the oven.

Let pans rest for 5 minutes on a rack, and once the small cakes have shrunken from the sides slightly, carefully nudge from the pans very gently. I use a spoon (careful not to scratch your non-stick surface!) Do not allow cakes to cool in the non-stick pans or they have a tendency to stick.

Fresh, Whipped Cream
1 cup fresh whipping cream
1/2 packet SteviaPlus, or 1 packet Splenda

In a mixing bowl, combine whipping cream and sweetener. Using a mixer on high speed, whip heavy cream until stiff peaks form, about 3-5 minutes. Refrigerate remaining whipped cream (but should be used as it is whipped for best results).

To assemble the shortcakes:
Place a cake layer on a plate. Top with whipped cream. Carefully press down the next layer. Add more whipped cream, and top with a few, plump blackberries.
Makes 4, 2-layer shortcakes

Nutritional Information per 2-layer shortcake: Calories: 405, Carbohydrates: 7g, Fiber: 1.5 g, Net Carbohydrates: 5.5 g, Protein: 6.5 g,  Fat: 25g

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